Category Archives: Vacation

Visiting Gensan remains a dream

Hubby’s relatives in Gensan

The family always discussed about visiting relatives in General Santos City. But up to this day, the plan remains a plan. It’s like wishing for the best luxury paris apartment rentals when we only rely on our meager salary. We couldn’t just travel without pocket money and air fare. And we have to stay somewhere. It might be embarrassing to the relatives if they take us all in one house. We barely know most of hubby’s relatives and we still need to warm up with them. So, hubby thought of ditching the idea of going home until we are financially stable.

The Best Places to be This Summer

Summer is one of the favorite seasons of a lot of people. There are times though when it can get extremely hot and people become uncomfortable because of it. This is probably the reason why the best place to be during the summer is somewhere near the water but this is not the only place wherein people can go to cool off. Going high up in the mountains can be a fun thing to do as well. It is not surprising anymore that more people book for mountain climbing activities during the summer because the weather is clear and fair. It would be easy to move and travel around because there will be no mud involved. If you do not like the heat, you can always go to places that are much colder than where you actually are. This will help you cool off tremendously.